I Was Framed!!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Paula made me look insane the other day. I couldn't help laughing like a maniac, and it only added to the scene that played out beforehand. It may have appeared to be an evil plot, but Paula was just doing her thing!

The really interesting part is that Kimber started it! We had been messaging back and forth (as we work on opposite corners of the room. Things have gotten little slower at work, so the room was quiet. While I may not recall exactly what Kimber was trying to pull, I do remember threatening to send Paula after her. Kimber didn't think Paula would dare. The second I read Kimber's note, Paula let out a loud, blood curling scream!

Due to the quiet office, everyone jumped and had to gather their bearings for a minute or two.... While Kimber and I laughed like we escaped an asylum. Tis the season, I suppose, for creepy things like insane laughter and making people jump.

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