Book Updates

Monday, March 13, 2023

 As you have seen from my last post, I have had quite a few changes happening. But on a professional level, things have changed almost just as much.

This blog has seen me publish my first book, but I'm not sure how many others I have posted about. 

But just in case, I'll recap all that I have published and where I am currently at. 


Awkwardly Strong: My first book about how to utilize awkward moments to your advantage.

Tragically Strong: While this is the second book, it is stand-alone. It outlines some basic healing that allows us to utilize our tragedies in our life long term. 

Fearfully Strong:  My third book outlines how fear is actually a good thing and how to understand fear and utilize it to your benefit.

Hard Earned Lessons Learned:  My fourth book came as a result of many asking me to help them write and publish their book. I wanted to help, but I also don't want to be a book coach. So here is everything I learned from my first three books in an easy and concise outline to publish.

I'm super proud of these books. I've worked hard on them and have learned a TON.

And now that I know what I'm doing, it is time to make a few changes. 


I'm switching to fiction.

Biographical fiction to be precise. 

I am finding real people from history who have made a significant impact, but their stories were somehow lost or forgotten. 

For example, my first fiction book: Madamn.

This is the story of the first recorded case of Tourette syndrome before it became an official diagnosis. In fact, this woman is the REASON we have a diagnosis. 

She was a noblewoman born just after the French Revolution who had the swearing form of Tourette syndrome (coprolalia). 

For years, she was simply known as "Mme. Dampierre" in medical journals. 

But I found her name. I found out she never hid from society despite how unruly she was. She inspired me. 

Since starting this project of filling in the gaps for a more complete story, I have found others who want their story told, too. 

So I am now a biographical fiction author. 

I can't wait to share more about this next book with you!

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