Commitment & Discipline

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Wow, y'all. 

Today has already really gotten away from me and I'm in shock that I haven't been able to get this post out and it's almost dinner time!

I have gotten a lot done, but I still feel so behind. 

However, despite my growing hunger and desire to eat, I am staying at the office to finish this blog post. I have made a commitment and I'm going to follow through with it. 

It takes a lot of dedication to write and publish a book. Then again, so does life. Life takes a lot of discipline, and I feel like that's a trait that society is losing. 

It's easy enough. I know I've had my moments where it would just be easier to stop. To give up or take a break. 

Don't get me wrong, taking breaks are important. But it does require discipline to start again. 

Which isn't always easy. 

Then it takes even MORE discipline to stay focused once you have started. 

Life it hard, y'all. But it's harder when you aren't putting in any effort. 

So I'm going to post this soap box I'm currently on, go to the store, make dinner for me and hubby, then try to get some actual writing in. It's the one thing I didn't accomplish today and I want that. I'm not sure if I will come back to the office, I might just take my laptop home. Either way, I've made a commitment and a promise to myself and I will see it through.

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