Happy Saturday!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Hey friends! I'm a bit later today posting because, well, it's FINALLY so BEAUTIFUL outside! I had a hard time sitting in front of my laptop when I could be outside going for walks or connecting with business folks.

I've wandered up and down Main for several hours, finding goodies to put in the gift boxes for the Reader's Escape, stopping for a quick bite to eat, and meeting new people. I'm just such a fan of this kind of activity and I'm beginning to think I'm more of an extrovert than I have ever realized. 

Don't get me wrong, I love my time alone. I need space to read, to write, and now, to crochet. 

But oh, how I love talking with people and learning new things and seeing the town in a new way. It's really quite marvelous.

As far as an update, I had my first crochet lesson and loved it. Huge fan so far. I also met with another author friend of mine and we are considering some work together. I've asked her to be a developmental editor for me and she has some work that I might be able to help with, but nothing is set there, so more on that later. I hope.

I'm finally sitting down to do some of my own writing. Now that I'm doing TWO Reader's Escape Weekends (did I mention this? The first sold out, so I opened another!), I have been trying to keep things straight and organized. So far I'm surviving. 

But I'm getting very excited for this coming week and to be able to see the progress with how everything is coming together.

I hope you are doing something today that absolutely lights you up and that you have a marvelous week!

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