Crunch Time!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Hey friends, sorry I'm late again! This past week and this coming week have been so intense. It's been productive, but there has just been a lot. 

Over the weekend, I went to Salt Lake to be with several friends and run a few errands. It was a quick 24 hour trip, then I came home to do dishes and laundry and a few other things around the house before starting the work week. 

The sad part is, I know I had big exciting things to share and that there was a funny TS story or two, but it's all gotten lost in the shuffle. 

This week isn't shaping up to be much better, I have appointments every night this week and while it is all super exciting, I'll have to give a better breakdown once I've had a chance to breathe. 

In the meantime, I hope your week is awesome and I'll update when I can.

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