Sometimes Paula Can Be Sweet... Other Times Not So Much

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Wow, what a week! I'm amazed that I have so many Paula stories this week! 

While my TS is often active, it's not often that something "new" happens. Paula has gotten used to her same old tricks. 

After being such a snot to my coworkers, Paula decided to fix her reputation and do something kind of sweet. Yesterday as I was leaving for work, my husband told me he loved me. Before I had a chance to respond, Paula decided to pop up with her version of "I love you.' 

Which means, she had the right tone and timing as if I had said it, but didn't quite get the words. They were squeaks that sounded like I had said it. 

Turns out, she just has her favorites. 

She was super sweet to my husband, but by the time I got to work and throughout the day, Paula became quite mean to me.

My physical tics were all over the place and quite strong. 

I was getting quite sore from the repetitious moving and jerking. Looking back, it might have been due to the caffeine I had that I don't usually consume. For this very reason. However, I hadn't slept well the night before and was worried about being able to, you know, function. 

Luckily, turns out I was able to find something that helped by the afternoon. 

Once upon a time, I got really into essential oils, so I have a bunch, mostly collecting dust because I don't use them too often. However, I happened to have a small bottle with me since I had also already woken up sore and was willing to take a bottle just to see if I could get my muscles to relax. 

Since I didn't know what I would need, I just grabbed the whole box of 10 oils I have and ran out the door to work.

I put on some Frankincense oil when the tics started to get really bad and to my great relief, things calmed down AND I managed to stay awake and function during the rest of work. 

I might have to carry this stuff around more often, just in case.

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