Life Update Yet Again

Friday, October 20, 2023

 Life changes so very quickly.

I woke up tired this morning. I didn't want to go to my part time job as a dental assistant, but at least it was a half day, right?

After work, I was scheduled for my 6 week evaluation. 

It went well, I knew all the names of the tools, I have been improving and I know mostly what I'm doing and I'm ready to go chair side... 


I was let go. 

First of all, I must say that I have never been let go from a job before. Honestly, that was the most surreal part. 

I knew being a dental assistant was a stretch and a large difference from my usual type of job. And overall, I was doing really well at it. 

The dentist is a friend of mine and I'm not upset by his decision at all. It made complete sense (even if it doesn't sound like it here... there are things that affected this decision that aren't shareable and I respect that). 

I'm mostly weirded out, because I leave jobs voluntarily. This is new and weird. Again, not bad... just a bit nerve wracking in regards to having to find another job and the financial aspect of things. 

I'm sitting here just wishing I was already there, you know? Madamn was published and selling millions of copies worldwide, that I am also selling merch for my books, my reading retreats are so full I have to do multiple per year just to keep up with the demand, and I get to still do smaller writing projects for friends, and overall in control of my life.

The thing is, I know I will get there. It's just making sure things are stable in the meantime.

I don't mind losing the job. I mind the loss of financial security it provided. 

So off I go again, searching for a new job.

Wish me luck and pray for me y'all.

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