Ramblings of a Writer

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

 Do you ever have those days with a lot on your mind, but you don't know what it is?

Like there aren't even coherent thoughts, just the undercurrent of something you can't put your finger on, and it just weighs on your mind and heart as something moves so quickly you can't seem to catch it?

That's me today. 

So I might simply be rambling for a bit today.

It's funny, I don't think I would have even caught that feeling if I hadn't just gotten a phone call from my husband. He passed me on Main Street- he honked and everything- and I didn't see him. I don't know where my mind was. 

Maybe it was on the car in front of me as we waited for pedestrians to cross. Maybe it was something simple as turning on my blinker to turn off Main.

But while I was focused on my driving, something else must have had my attention to not hear my husband honk or see my big gold behemoth of a vehicle. 

Maybe I'm lost in the beauty of fall in Wyoming. Maybe it's more than that.

I honestly couldn't tell you.

But I feel it. I feel movement as my brain simply goes into auto pilot. 

I type these words, still not sure what is even on my mind. 

My brain feels hyperfocused without being focused. Is that a thing?

If I were to fall asleep and take a nap right now (and trust me, I'm tempted), I would have some crazy dreams, I'm sure of it. 

So my goal for today is simply to find some kind of focus and try to get at least a little bit of work done. but naptime isn't far away, I assure you.

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