Simple Pleasures

Saturday, June 15, 2024

I've had a rough week. Except I think it has actually been a couple of weeks. It's hard to tell anymore. 

I've read studies about how stress can be addicting. I know people like that. There is always something and if there isn't, they find something small to stress over. 

However, I've decided a long time ago that I do not want a life like that. I want to life a life where I can deal with stressful situations, but still manage a peaceful life as much as possible. 

It is easy to get caught up in the stress and events as they happen.

Yesterday I got a bit of a slap in the face. I had tried to ship a t-shirt to a friend of mine. She lives in Peru, but was going to be in the United States (where I am) for a short window. 

So I made the design for the shirt, sent it to a place that does shirt printing, then a week later, learned they never received the design, so I had to resend it. No big, I just had to pay a bit extra in shipping. 

Which actually cost twice what the shirt cost. My mistake, so I'm still not stressed about it. 

What stressed me out was when the package claimed it was delivered and my friend didn't receive it. I spent the next 24 hours on the phone with the post office, with the hotel, doing anything I could to track down what happened to this package.

As time got closer to her checking out of the hotel, I started to feel the pressure of the time limit. 

I actually got so stressed that I mentioned to my husband that, "Now I have to call the police..."

While my husband is incredibly patient, understanding, and supportive, he knew where the line was. He stood up and told me that I would not be calling the police. It is a shirt. We can take the loss and we will be ok.

You know, it's funny, just 20 minutes after that moment, after some tears and me calming down...

I received a photo of this friend with a huge grin holding up her shirt. 

I've noticed from this incident that I have been working too hard and losing sight of the things that I do for the simple joy, pleasure, and fun. I haven't done that in a while.

The good news is that next weekend I have the first of two Reader's Escape events this year. 

Which is part of the problem ironically, next year there will only be one. 

But I'm so excited to run away and to simply read for the pure joy of it with people that I love. I can't wait!

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