
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Y'all, I love summer so very much! It's kind of killing me to have a full time job right about now.

Not only do I love the warm weather and the sunshine, I love how green everything is and how everything is simply buzzing with life. 

I got to smell fresh lilac bushes today for the first time all year!

So maybe we are more into spring here, but still!

I got to also attend a local farmer's market and art festival. I love being around so many people. I feel a slight buzz myself (nope, no alcohol, thank you!). 

It's actually so much harder to sit and write because I am walking all over this festival, walking to the library, walking to this shop and that to prepare for the Reader's Escape coming up in just a few weeks (!), and trying to increase my own health and stamina while I'm at it.

It's been a rough year. Last year around this time I totaled my cute little red Ford Escape and I miss it so much.

Huh. I just realized how often this word escape keeps making it's way into my vocabulary. 

Isn't it interesting how all these things come together? 

In other news, my office building has sold and I have to move. It's incredibly tragic and I'm really upset about it. I ideally should have been out yesterday, but this week has just been a bit too intense, so we are just getting around to it. Meaning the sooner I'm out, the better. 

It's already so bare in here.

This has been my sanctuary for the past year I've been here. Here's to hoping my new place will be just as good. 

With those updates, I'm signing off for this week but I'll be sure to update you next week on how things are going!

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