Reader's Escape Report and Where I'm Going From Here.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Hey there my friend!

Not my normal day to post, I know, but I was at my Reader's Escape all weekend and didn't have any kind of service.

This retreat was wonderful, as they always are. This was the first event where someone actually flew in to attend. Which feels like a big step for me. It's not just a few of my local friends anymore, you know?

And now that it is complete, I finally get to move onto the big things. Thing, Singular.

Everything for the next year is going to be a means to an end. Everything is going to be focused on the release for Madamn. 

There are a few big projects to support this book launch. For example, next year's Reader's Escape. It's going to be a launch party. Slash birthday party for Em. At her home... as in her CASTLE in PARIS. I also plan on launching a Kickstarter. 

And for all of these projects, if I'm going to pull them off, I will need extra help and support. 

While my husband is awesome at this, I've reached out to a few friends of mine who have a particular set of skills in areas that I don't. And being able to delegate and outsource so much of these big ideas make me think that I might just be able to pull it off.

This might actually get to be really big!

Em's story is so important and has shaped the world we live in today, whether we know it or not. I'm thrilled to feel like the vehicle in sharing her inspiring and powerful life.

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