Well, This Is New

Saturday, August 24, 2024

So I know there is a lot of buzz on the internet about this these days. A lot of people are dealing with it or have dealt with it, but I think I'm starting to understand for the first time what it is....

I'm not used to feeling this way, and I don't like how much it's affecting me. 

I'm talking about burnout. 

Usually I like to think I'm pretty good about balancing things out. And every once in a while, yes, I overbook myself with too many things and I have to cut back.

But this is the first time that I'm losing the cognitive ability to remember all the things I've committed to do, or even how to do them. 

I've been talking a lot about this with my husband and it's making a big difference to realize what is even happening. 

He's so great and has been so supportive. He has really stepped up his game to help out with so much around the house (he's currently taking care of all the laundry) and I have been able to step back and relax a bit more.

I even took Monday off of work so I can simply veg and do only the things I want to do, which may occasionally include something off my to do list, but doing it because I want to, not because I HAVE to. 

There is a big difference, you know?

Fun story, the past couple of nights, our phones have lost connection. Which isn't usually an issue, we are used to that when traveling across the wilds of Wyoming, but to not have internet access in my house and even phone calls and texting are kept at a minimum.

It's been wonderful. 

And it's making a difference. I don't feel like it was quite enough, but it was enough to validate my thoughts and say that I'm on the right track.

The irony of all of this is that this is the exact thing I'm trying to help promote with my novel and things like the Reader's Escape. So that's hilarious to me.

Anyways, here are we. I'mma go eat some cheesecake now.

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