Hey friends,
So remember how last week I was with my family and selling books at the Pomegranate festival?
That meant that Sunday I had a 10 hour drive before I could get back to work on Monday. And what a return to work!
It was quite busy and I came home exhausted every day. Luckily, the husband helped out a TON, doing some of our laundry and making dinner. But the house is still a hot mess.
I'm trying to keep positive in all of this and am at least glad I have Monday off work for Veterans Day. Which might warrant it's own post on Monday, but we will have to see. I would love to do that, veterans are super important to me, I've had several family members in the service and would love to honor them.
However, thanks to the other fun part of this crazy week, I might not.
I have no wifi in my house currently. I have tried connecting all week and it just wasn't working. So now my to do list also contains looking into other options for wifi.
I'm currently typing this post on my phone. Typing with just my thumbs is not my favorite. I want my ergonomic keyboard attached to my raised laptop.
So if the wifi issue has not been resolved, there will be no bonus post this week.
I was realizing this morning as I made my to do list how long it was and how it has always been an issue for me trying to do all the things, and not having time for all the things.
Again, trying to be optimistic, it does help me focus on what is really important. It doesn't make me happy about it though.
I want to read all the books, have a spotless home, finish writing my book, have a ready to go campaign, go to all the events, crochet all the blankets, work on improving my health, snuggle all day with my husband... the list goes on and on.
I think that might be why I resent doing things I don't want to do, like cooking or cleaning. I know it's important, and give. Limitless time I might enjoy... but it is also not high up on the list of things I would rather be doing. I want the results, not necessarily the process.
Which is probably another reason not having wifi is so frustrating. It really slows me down to use only my thumbs instead of all 10 digits. I can type so much faster than this!
So I'm calling it for now so I can go work on other things and get some satisfaction from checking things off my list. Until next week friends!