
Friday, December 8, 2017

Hey there. Long time no see. I wanted to take a minute to apologize for slacking off here the past month or so. I am still around and I am still writing, but I've been focusing so much on other areas of writing. I've been writing on Medium, taking a few courses to learn and improve the quality of what I put out there for you and finishing up my second book.

I still have great Paula stories. I have several drafts started so I wouldn't forget them. But I'm trying to keep up and keep my sanity at the same time. Which is pretty difficult.


The compromise I've come up with is to mix things up a little. I will try to write one post here per week. If I don't get a Paula story, I'll share some of my writing from other areas online, so you can see what I'm up to and why I didn't get a story up.


The best way to keep in the loop is to sign up for my email newsletter HERE. As a bonus and a thank you, I'll even send you an 8 question guide to discovering how to take control of your own story by using traits for you rather than against you.

You are wonderful, thanks for reading!!

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