
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Hello there friend!

Sorry I missed Saturday, I tried and tried, but apparently either Blogger was down, or there was some other tech glitches. So you get a midweek post instead! 

But I've decided I need to get my life together when it comes to working on Madamn. I feel like most of my life has been pretty glitchy. I try and wake up in the mornings, but end up sleeping an extra hour. I make plans, but life interrupts and says, "sorry, try again."

However, I've noticed that I have been pretty wishy-washy in my commitments to begin with. So now I'm setting things in stone and making a firm commitment. I have given myself deadlines and have gotten the ball rolling so that I can keep those.

I've finally hired a developmental editor and am doing a ton of rewrites. 

The thing is, life is still throwing things at me. I've had a ton of pain already this week, lots of meetings popping up, and work getting all sorts of crazy. 

I've noticed the more committed I am, the more these outside forces slow down.

However, today is not the day for these things to slow down. Which means I'm off to get some writing done!

Thanks for being here!

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