Paula is Adventurous

Saturday, December 12, 2015

I've always been a more reserved person. In high school, I was even quite shy. Paula has helped me break out of that shell a lot. I have kind of had to, sharing company with the likes of her! Paula is always finding new ways to express herself. It's almost unnerving to watch her grow and expand and wondering if I am going to get lost. Paula is very much a part of who I am, but I am not my Tourette Syndrome. I think that may be part of why I like the distinction of giving her a name.

As I look back at how much Paula has changed from the first little hiccup while I was working in a library, to her increase in frequency, her changing noises and now expanding into different situations, I can't help but think of how adventurous she is. No one has shoved her into those new situations. I still on occasion have to be forced into something new.

On the other hand, Paula had another first this week. Paula decided to pop up while I was on the phone at work. She did it a few times actually. It was always on the phone with a co-worker transferring a call to me, but it is still quite entertaining. The best part is... after years of people wanting to someone record Paula, I have access to a recording! All the phone calls at work are recorded, so while I don't yet have my own copy (I need to talk to my leads about that...), Paula has been recorded!

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