Sometimes, Paula can be that one friend. She's the one that points out that I have some hidden... well, I wouldn't say talent, more like a stupid human trick. She likes to point these out to people.She does things, people ask questions, and things just kinda go from there.
For example, today I was with a group of friends watching a religious broadcast. I quite love it and was wide awake taking notes. A few of us may have been a little drowsy. There were a few yawns going around. So Paula decided to wake everyone up with a loud and high pitched squeal. My friend Brett (who would only allow me to use is name if I mentioned what an amazing marketer he is-true story though) turns to me and asked, "Can you sing that high?"
Well, truth be told, I am a high soprano, and yes, I can sing that high. One day I should really test my range and see just how high I can go and see if I could actually break glass, because that would be an awesome talent.
Instead of breaking glass, it came out that I can in fact sound like a cricket.
Like this. This one is a noise I can control. In fact, requires a lot of breath and control to make it, so it doesn't
really count as one of Paula's animal noises. This one is all me.