For the Dogs

Friday, September 1, 2017

Paula really likes animals. They have reactions as good as children. Besides which, half the time she sounds like one, so she blends right in. Just a little bit of background for you, I come from a small farming community. While my parents are not farmers, we do have chickens and turkeys in our backyard.

One day at home, I was taking a load of laundry to hang out on the clothes line. My parents Dashund, Toby, loves to "help" when going out into the backyard. He gets excited and stands right in front of the door.

Now, if you didn't know, turkeys can be really loud. And living with them, Toby isn't really fazed by them at all. So when the turkeys called out, it wasn't a big deal. But when Paula imitated the noise, he suddenly decided to get out of the way so I could open the door.

What ever works I guess!

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