Am I Possessed?

Monday, February 13, 2017

I love when Paula catches people off guard. Especially people that I've known for a while. It's best when they are already well acquainted with Paula and her antics. I'm pretty sure no one (me being the obvious exception) has experienced ALL of her tics. Some people have come close, though.

For example, my friend Emily at work has certainly heard lots of them, and even reads my blog, so she reads about others she doesn't always hear. Is it bad that I'm a little proud of myself for catching her by surprise? I actually had to explain that what was happening were my tics.

To be fair it was a more complex tic. There was both a vocal and physical tic at the same time. It was my gasping noise, followed by a noise I used to make a lot on my mission. I was having a hard time trying to describe it, but Paula decided to help me out and make it again. It's a door. A creaky, old door. The physical tic pulled up my shoulders and tilted my head back.

Emily's head tilted to the side as her eyes opened wide. Apparently, her first thought was that I was trying to exorcise a demon. Not a typical work activity, I promise. This gave us both a good giggle once we got on the same page, though.

Now I do want to be clear. This was simply a complex tic. Complex tics are simply a combination of more than one tic. So by doing all three of these tics at the same time, the tic became complex, rather than a simple, singular tic.

Also, just because you never know who is taking me seriously, I am not possessed. I do not in any way want that thought in your head. Tourette Syndrome CANNOT be cured by exorcism. Don't even go there. Just no.

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