Paula's Got a Temper!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Paula is great. I promise, most of the time it's pretty awesome having her around. However, on occasion, she can get pretty upset. It never ends well, and it is not pretty. There was a day at work when I got particularly frustrated on the phone with one of our contractors. As soon as I got off the phone, Paula went off, venting before I got the chance. Then, the shoulder tic started. The first one caught me so much by surprise and was so strong, that my entire arm got thrown forward, missing my computer monitor by only an inch or two. Paula almost punched my work computer!! She almost damaged company property!!! And she kept going!!! I was a little more prepared though, and was able to keep most of my arm under control. But oh how that shoulder ticked! This went on for the rest of the day. It hurt every time. I am fairly certain she threw my back out of alignment and the next day I was very sore. Luckily, I had already scheduled a chiropractor appointment which helped immensely. However, I certainly learned that Paula is not one I want to upset. She doesn't get upset often. She will chew out the occasional co worker that doesn't see her side of a discussion, but it's all in good fun. She likes to debate, especially since she tends to have the last word. She has plenty of those stories. Only one, however, that almost damaged company property and sent me to a doctor! Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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