Shakin' Things Up!

Friday, March 11, 2016

I found this sweet kitty while living in Hawaii in 2009.
Back when I was tan.
So Paula has recently thrown in her new trick with laughing. She hasn't done it much, but she has done it when it has been applicable, always laughing at something funny someone has said. Turns out, Paula also likes to do throwbacks once in a while. It isn't even Thursday!

Today at work, Paula made a noise. I didn't think much of it. I've heard all of the noises Paula has made so far. Go figure, right? Sometimes I forget that other people haven't. Stephany turned to me and said, "That was a new one!" It wasn't. I had done it before. I haven't made this particular noise in years. Sometimes I forget it hasn't surfaced in a while. As often as I hear new noises, I guess it happens even more often for others!

So in honor of Paula's throw back, here is a throwback of my own!

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