Paula's Interruptions

Thursday, July 7, 2016

I have been terrible at posting lately, but it's only because things are moving along so well with my book! It should be out within a month you guys! I am so excited, and have been working furiously on my book description and tweaking the back cover and dimensions and all sorts of things I had no idea were involved in the book writing process! Especially since most of the book is with my phenomenal editor.

Don't let that fool you though, Paula is still up to her antics. She must be getting a bit impatient for the book release or something. Usually she is very polite and waits until I finish talking or doing something to show up. Lately, she has been jumping in whenever she darn well pleases. I understand this is more typical in the TS community and Paula is unique, but I miss my polite little Paula! Yesterday at work she wouldn't let me touch the mouse. My shoulder would jerk anytime I got close. I could use the keyboard, but no clicking for Jessica. Granted I had been a little stressed out, so she was a little more aggravated than usual. I wasn't able to get much work done until I took a break and calmed down a bit though. She can just be so cheeky when she wants attention!

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