Paula Is Grateful

Friday, April 28, 2017

Who knew Paula could be so sweet? I think is me rubbing off on her this time though. I've been a student of a grateful lifestyle for several years now. Granted, it did start with my parents making me write a thank you letter to almost everyone in my hometown for all the graduation gifts. It's amazing what a small thank you can do.

I confess I started with some prodding from my parents, but I was in awe at the reactions from people. In case you haven't noticed, I like watching those. Then I realized what my own reaction was, and how much happier I was. It has been life changing for me as I have developed this trait and it is very much a part of me and who I am.

So imagine my glee when my sassy Tourette Syndrome showed a sliver of gratitude in IKEA with Kimber. As we were finishing up, Kimber spoke up, "Let's find you a bathroom before we leave." To which Paula gratefully squealed, "Thank you!"

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