
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Not many people like Monday. However, I'm a fan. I like having a fresh start to the week and starting over with goals I may have messed up the week before, or stretching the goals I did achieve. Remember New Year's is my favorite holiday and I basically re-celebrate all year long, touching on my goals quarterly, monthly and weekly. I kinda love goals. Sunday I check in on how I'm doing and Monday is the fresh start to who I want to be and what I want to accomplish.

This past Monday was not my favorite, though. There was a big storm back east, and there was a lot going on, so there was overtime to be worked because we basically felt behind all day. Some of my co-workers decided to pull twelve-hour shifts. I was proud of my ten, thank you very much. It was a long and exhausting day.

Paula evidently felt the same way. At one point during the day, she let out a loud, long scream. It wasn't even a crazy noise, it sounded like a scream from a horror movie. All around me, there was a chorus of, "I feel you, Paula," "I know, right?" and "My thoughts exactly" from many of my co-workers. Sometimes, she just says it better than anyone else really can.

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